Pavement finish without concrete
steinfix® offers a range of solutions designed to simplify the installation process, catering to different coverings, thicknesses and applications.

Securing slabs and stones without concrete.
Quick and permanent installation.

Ready for immediate use.

Lawn borders with a green touch.
Allowing the surface to be permeable.
Smart and easy work-flow, saves money and energy.

steinfix® edge profiles save time and money when paving and laying stones and slabs. The edges no longer have to be laboriously concreted on. The permanent fixing by steinfix® can be carried out regardless of the concrete mix and in any weather.
steinfix® products
Sustainable production
steinfix® is crafted entirely from PVC material that has been sourced from 100 % recycled materials.
For every kilogram of recycled PVC, we save 2 kilograms of CO2 emissions, according to VinylPlus®: 2019 Achievements. This translates to an annual saving of 3,200 tons of CO2.
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